New Year’s Resolution Templates + Tips for Achieving your Goals

Hey there, lovelies!

The New Year is almost upon us… that means it’s time to break out the confetti and storm up some goals you’d like to achieve in the coming 12 months!  It isn’t just New Year that calls for goal-making and determination, but instead these tips can always be used since there is no time like the present!  I know, resolutions can be a bit terrifying since they have a bad rep for never coming true, but I have a few tips that will help those wishes become reality along with templates I’ve created for those New Year plans.  🙂


Since making specific and planned out resolutions is super important, I’ve created some free, printable templates that can help you to achieve your goals!  

Just click on the links below the templates to print!   


2016 Resolutions

CLICK HERE to print!

I’ll definitely be filling this list out to hang on my wall as a reminder this year!


CLICK HERE to print!

Remember, you don’t have to fill the whole thing up!  That would be a huge amount of resolutions… BUT just in case you’re feeling extra confident, I made sure to add lots of extra space for personalized goals and plans!

As I said before, resolutions are known for being difficult and never coming true, BUT it is possible to achieve them!  Here’s a few things that help:

  1. Make your goals specific.  Add details to loose goals, such as “I will go to the gym 2 times every week” instead of “I will be more active”.
  2. Make your goals attainable.  For example, try aiming for losing a reasonable amount of weight instead of a huge number that would be unattainable.  Impossible goals are discouraging and make it difficult to succeed.
  3. Try making smaller goals or “checkpoints” leading up to your main resolution.  This will help remind you how far you’ve come and keep your spirits up instead of dwelling on how far you may still have to go.
  4. This may seem obvious, but make sure to write down your goals!  Engrain them in your memory or even write them on your calendar.  Add them into your planner if you need reminders!  Also, you can compile a list of the things you’d like to accomplish and hang it on your wall or put it in a place you’ll look every day!
  5. Be prepared!  For example, if your goal is to eat healthy, make sure you have enough healthy options around to keep you on track!
  6. Lastly, don’t get discouraged if you don’t succeed immediately!  No one is perfect -just keep at it!  The only way to ever achieve accomplishments is by hardwork and a LOT of practice.

I always love writing out my new plans on New Year’s Eve!  My family likes to get into it, too.  Our tradition is to each write our goals on pieces of paper, stick them in a jar, and try to achieve them all by next New Year’s Eve when were dig the jar out again!  Then, we get to check off everything we accomplished… or write down the things that we didn’t on another piece of paper and try again!

This year, I’m aiming to spend more time on my blog and spread lots of positivity!  I’d also like a bit more confidence!  In the image below, I’ve compiled a list of a few more goals that I will definitely be aiming for in the New Year.  These goals aren’t specific, but I think that if my year consists of all these things, it will be a very successful one!  I’d love to hear some of your New Year resolutions in the comments below!

Resolutions Pin-2

I know, everyone always says this, but the year has whizzed by so quickly that I honestly can’t comprehend that 2016 is a few short days away! I know it will bring lots of good things and I can’t wait for all the new adventures that come!   I wish you nothing but the best in the following year!  Thanks so much for reading!  Good luck on your goals for 2016 and have a very HAPPY NEW YEAR!









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